Hawaiian healing
When our mind becomes calm,
we are able to listen to our inner voice of wisdom much clearer,
and healing may take place.
It is a process of release. A lifetime journey of discovery to create magical things.
It is re-connection with your breath to bring you into greater harmony with yourself and the world around you.
The Hawaiian Healing art is a very effective healing tool and can be used to enhance all forms of healing. Those sessions can be given by working on the body, on the soul or by combining them.
They are based on Lomilomi bodywork, Ka Lele Dance meditations & Ho’Oponopono.
Our intention, as authentic Hawaiian healing practitioners, is to support you in unlocking the roots of your physical and emotional pain. A safe and healing environment is creating where energy felt magical, mystical and divine.
Hawaiian Healing, it’s coming Home.

There are different kinds of Lomilomi. We always adapt the session, depending on your needs at that moment.
Authentic Lomilomi goes far beyond massage. It is gently diving through tension and soft tissues down to the level of the bones, where our DNA is stored.
If you are seeking a treatment that will enable you to really LET GO, FEEL NURTURED and ENERGIZED, Lomilomi is for you.
Sessions can last 60, 90 or 120 minutes. Feel free to ask about 4-hands or duo-sessions.
This Lomilomi originated by Kahu Abraham Kawa’I is a Transformation process that goes deep into your soul. We go gently into the “rivers of light” that are flowing through the body. We are using long flowing strokes that emulate the ocean waves of Hawaii, we dive thru a waterfall of Aloha, descending down through you, preparing you for the deeper work. Body memories, stored mostly in our cells (DNA) are “touched” and something is put into motion.
Lots of hot oil and healing music create an additional relaxing effect. This state of deep relaxation allows to let go of deep-rooted blockages.
Every session begins with pure intention for any healing needed to take place during the massage. There is no set format and every session will be different, unique as it will meet your physical and spiritual needs of that day. Anyway, you will come off the table as reborn.
A Ho’Oponopono intake is included in this session.
Lomilomi, given in the nurturing Aloha spirit of Hawaii,
invites you to integrate a better balance and harmony,
and helps you embrace yourself with all that you are.
And if you know who you are, your way will show itself.
Sessions of 120 min
Lomilomi Vibrational medicine “Aunty Maile”
In this subtle and at the same time powerful traditional Lomilomi, we use vibration techniques (called vibrational medicine by Aunty Maile), and the breath to lift and clear blockages in your body. This full body massage relieves headaches, back pain and other physical complaints. At the same time, you will experience a deep relaxation and tranquility. We close the session with the healing power of pu’ili (bamboo sticks) and pu’ohe (bamboo flute).
Sessions of 60, 90 or 120 minutes.
Extra: Aloë Bio Face-mask
This Style of Lomilomi is considered as the Hawaiian deep tissue, that also deeply nourishes the soul. Once relaxation is achieved, specific deeper work can start. Instead of pushing through a blockage in the muscle tissue, we are using specific movements that stimulates blood flow and restore balance and body alignment. It’s a perfect massage to release muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints.
This massage is linked to the Hawaiian martial arts (based with 99% spirituality & 1% fight) Originally it was used to patch up wounded warriors, the healers were bone- & joint setters. Lua Lomi comes from the lineage of Aunty Mary Gibson of Maui. Lua Lomi master Jimmy Quitan (Maui) is the last to transfer the knowledge.
Sessions of 60, 90 or 120 minutes. Extra: Aloë Bio Face-mask
Lomi Opu Huli (abdomen)
Opu Huli (belly massage) is an important element in Hawaiian Lomilomi and is usually integrated into other Lomilomi treatments. The abdomen is the home of our vital organs. When your organs are no longer at the right place, it creates tensions in your entire body, as stress has a direct effect on our intestines and on your health in general. The abdomen is also the center of our intuition. It’s the basket of our emotions, where there is a strong connection with our ancestors. We invite you in this session to go into your own forgiveness process and to let go all those old deep memory wounds.
Opu Huli relieves pain in the lower back and brings the organs back in place; your breathing is better and you feel more relaxed. It leaves a deep impression.
Sessions of 60 minutes. Extra: Aloë Bio Face-mask
Lomilomi Keiki (massage for kids)
Are you a child? Ask for a Keiki Lomi! Are you a parent? Propose it to your children.
When you take care of your body and well-being during your childhood, you will feel more joy, vitality, and self-confidence later as an adult. Regular Lomilomi (especially the back) massages helps your child to let go and to relax. In general , Lomilomi creates a general well-being, and it also improves body awareness and self-confidence. Sessions of 60 minutes
Lomilomi Wawae
It is an ancient Hawaiian artform, which is happening on the floor. Knees and feet are our tools, backwalking is also part of this session. It is a profound technique to deeply restore body alignment. It is recommended to people that look for a firm treatment, for athletes, and for those who can never get enough pressure in a massage. The full name for this style of Lomilomi is Ka wāwae Lomilomi ma ka papahele. It is a dynamic and meditative way of working from the family tradition of Aunty Maile Napoleon.
Sessions of 60 minutes.
Lomilomi Hapai (for pregnant women) / Sidelying massage
Are you pregnant? Congratulations. Ask for a Hapai Lomilomi, a special massage, in side-lying and supine position, for pregnant women that look for a relaxing time and to ease pregnancy related physical changes such as fatigue, swelling, muscle and joint problems. Ideal also for body alignment after giving birth. This type of massage also works well for any client that doesn’t feel comfortable lying on her or his belly.
Sessions of 60 minutes. Extra: Aloë Bio Face-mask
Extra: Aloe Bio-Facemask
During the massage, your face is treated with the Aloe Bio Cellulose mask. For a deep and powerful hydration and moisture, it softens the skin and reduces the appearance of red spots with the addition of horse chestnut, brings dull skin back to life and reduces the appearance of signs of skin aging. Definitely a real heavenly feeling!

Ho’Oponopono is the Hawaiian spiritual healing practice for conflict resolution. It clears blocked energy and converts it into positive energy, love and a deepened interpersonal connection.
It is a forgiveness and compassion ritual with a greater understanding of how to live responsibly to bring balance & harmony with yourself and others.
Returning the light to our life, so that the memories of our wounds no longer affect us negatively.
Reconnection to our source of love and light.
Keep your light shining. It’s your birthright.
Awareness of your deepest feelings is the first step to understand that every person has the capability to achieve better health by the way of thinking. The answers we are seeking can be found within, through our pure Aloha love.
The understanding of Ho’oponopono is a process of healing. As Lomilomi & Ho’Oponopono practitioners, we support you in this process.
“With respect for the Hawaiian teachers, this method is passed on from generation to generation”. You learn Ho’Oponopono especially by observation, how Kumu’s (teachers) integrate this in their life. Reading a book about Ho’Oponopono does not teach you how to apply Ho’oponopono, it can eventually tell you what it is. Usually the 4 well-known sentences are added, but Ho’Oponopono is much more than this.
Ho’Oponopono & Aloha are integrated into the Temple Lomilomi. If you would like a session with a full focus on Ho’oponopono (without massage), ask for the Intake Ho’Oponopono session.
Sessions of 60 min
Aloha Ka Lele Meditation
Walk forward on your path with greater ease.
Ka’Aleleau (Ka Lele) is a Hawaiian dance meditation with a simple base step and movement of the arms and legs combined with beautiful Hawaiian music.
It enables you to navigate with fluidity, balance, and coordination through whatever life’s situations may bring.
It is about:
- Relaxation and recharge energy
- Focus and presence
- Deep breathing
- Time for yourself
- Move forward and let go
- Unconditional love for yourself and for others.
- Non-judgement and flexibility
- Feeling one with all that lives and connecting with the “breath of life”.
- Bringing together the physical, mental and the spiritual.
- Joy, happiness, pleasure
Your workout, joy & happiness all in one and for everyone.
Sessions of 60 or 90 minutes
Next sessions: 3 feb 20h-21h30 Avenue de la Corniche 31 Braine l’Alleud, 300 meters from Vivasana.
Well being workshops YOGA, HEALING SOUNDS & HAWAIIAN MEDITATION: 20/02/2022 and/or 17/03/2022 , 14h-18h. Max 15pax. Fill in the contact form to be informed.